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Pneumatic Solutions
Techno Takatsuki co., ltd.President & CEO Masayuki Kawasaki

Ultimate Pneumatic Solutions Worldwide
Techno Takatsuki co., ltd.President & CEO Masayuki Kawasaki
Thank you very much for your kindness.
Since our founding in 1947, we have been developing our business based on the winding technology of motors to meet the rapidly changing times. In particular, we are focusing on “Pneumatic Solutions” that contribute to society through air management technologies. We have a good reputation of selling blowers for septic tanks used in environmental fields in more than 70 countries. All employees feel it is very rewarding to help to improve the world’s healthy environment and helping to enrich users lives.
In addition, in the medical equipment field, which began in earnest in 2016, the motto is to create intuitive and useful products that will give users a sense of familiarity. We will continue our efforts to provide these.
In the future, the evolution of technology and changes in people’s lifestyles are expected to accelerate further, but the HIBLOW Group will work together to provide more innovative products and services in Japan and overseas. We look forward to your continued support in the future.